A few POLLS show that the expression "atheism" has procured such an uncommon disgrace in the United States that being an atheist is presently a flawless obstacle to a profession in legislative issues (in a manner that being dark, Muslim or gay person is most certainly not). As per a late Newsweek survey, just 37% of Americans would vote in favor of a generally qualified atheist for president.
Atheist are regularly envisioned
to be prejudiced, indecent, discouraged, incognizant in regards to the magnificence of nature and fanatically shut to proof of the extraordinary.
Indeed John Locke, one of the extraordinary patriarchs of the Enlightenment, accepted that skepticism was "not in any way to be endured" on the grounds that, he said, "guarantees, pledges and promises, which are the obligations of human social orders, can have no hold upon a nonbeliever."
That was more than 300 years prior. Anyway in the United States today, little appears to have changed. A momentous 87% of the populace claims "never to uncertainty" the presence of God; less than 10% recognize themselves as skeptics — and their notoriety has all the earmarks of being falling apart.

1) Atheists accept that life is meaningless.
In actuality, religious individuals regularly stress that life is unimportant and envision that it must be reclaimed by the guarantee of unceasing satisfaction past the grave. Irreligionists have a tendency to be certain that life is valuable. Life is pervaded with significance by being truly and completely existed. Our associations with those we cherish are significant now; they require not keep going forever to be made so. Agnostics have a tendency to discover this trepidation of uselessness … well … meaningless.
Individuals of confidence frequently guarantee that the law violations of Hitler, Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot were the inescapable result of unbelief. The issue with despotism and socialism, then again, is not that they are excessively reproachful of religion; the issue is that they are excessively like religions. Such administrations are one sided to the center and for the most part offer ascent to identity religions that are vague from factions of religious legend adore. Auschwitz, the gulag and the slaughtering fields were not cases of what happens when individuals reject religious doctrine; they are samples of political, racial and nationalistic creed go crazy. There is no general public in mankind's history that ever endured on the grounds that its kin got to be excessively sensible.
3) Atheism is dogmatic.
Jews, Christians and Muslims assert that their scriptures are so farsighted of mankind's needs that they could just have been composed under the course of an omniscient divinity. An irreligious is essentially an individual who has considered this case, read the books and discovered the case to be silly. One doesn't need to undertake confidence, or be overall one sided, to reject unjustified religious convictions. As the software engineer Stephen F. Roberts* once said: "I battle that we are both agnostics. I simply have faith in one less god than you do. When you comprehend why you reject the various conceivable divine beings, you will comprehend why I release yours."
4) Atheists think everything in the universe arose by chance.
Nobody knows why the universe started to exist. Actually, it is not by any means clear that we can lucidly talk about the "starting" or "creation" of the universe whatsoever, as these thoughts summon the idea of time, and here we are discussing the root of space-time itself.
The idea that agnostics accept that everything was made by chance is additionally consistently hurled as a feedback of Darwinian development. As Richard Dawkins clarifies in his brilliant book, "The God Delusion," this speaks to an utter misconception of evolutionary hypothesis. Despite the fact that we don't know exactly how the Earth's initial science generated science, we realize that the differences and multifaceted nature we see in the living scene is not a result of negligible possibility. Advancement is a consolidation of chance change and regular determination. Darwin touched base at the expression "regular determination" by similarity to the "simulated choice" performed by reproducers of animals. In both cases, choice pushes a very non-irregular impact on the advancement of any species.
5) Atheism has no association with science.
In spite of the fact that it is conceivable to be a researcher and still trust in God — as a few researchers appear to oversee it — there is no doubt that an engagement with exploratory speculation has a tendency to disintegrate, instead of help, religious confidence. Taking the U.s. populace as a sample: Most surveys demonstrate that about 90% of the overall population has faith in a particular God; yet 93% of the parts of the National Academy of Sciences don't. This proposes that there are few modes of thinking less friendly to religious confidence than science is.
6) Atheists are arrogant.
At the point when researchers don't know something — like why the universe started to exist or how the first reproducing toward oneself atoms shaped — they let it be known. Professing to know things one doesn't know is a significant risk in science. But it is the life-blood of confidence based religion. One of the fantastic incongruities of religious talk might be found in the recurrence with which individuals of confidence commendation themselves for their modesty, while asserting to know truths about cosmology, science and science that no researcher knows. At the point when considering inquiries regarding the way of the universe and our spot inside it, skeptics have a tendency to draw their sentiments from science. This isn't presumption; it is intelligent trustworthiness.
7) Atheists are closed to spiritual experience.
There is nothing that keeps a nonbeliever from encountering adoration, rapture, euphoria and amazement; irreligionists can esteem these encounters and look for them customarily. What nonbelievers don't have a tendency to do is make unjustified (and baseless) asserts about the way of reality on the premise of such encounters. There is no doubt that a few Christians have converted their lives for the better by perusing the Bible and appealing to Jesus. What does this demonstrate? It demonstrates that certain orders of consideration and implicit rules can have a significant impact upon the human personality. Do the positive encounters of Christians propose that Jesus is the sole guardian angel of mankind? Not in any case remotely — on the grounds that Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims and even skeptics consistently have comparable encounters.
There is, truth be told, not a Christian on this Earth who might be sure that Jesus even wore a whiskers, significantly less that he was conceived of a virgin or became alive once again. These are simply not the kind of claims that profound experience can verify.
8) Atheists accept that there is nothing beyond human life and human comprehension.
Agnostics are allowed to concede the cutoff points of human seeing in a manner that religious individuals are most certainly not. It is clear that we don't completely comprehend the universe; however it is significantly more evident that not the Bible or the Koran reflects our best understanding of it. We don't know whether there is perplexing life somewhere else in the universe, however there may be. In the event that there is, such creatures could have created an understanding of nature's laws that endlessly surpasses our own. Nonbelievers can uninhibitedly engross such conceivable outcomes. They likewise can concede that if splendid extraterrestrials exist, the substance of the Bible and the Koran will be even less great to them than they are to human agnostics.
From the agnostic perspective, the world's religions totally trivialize the true excellence and massiveness of the universe. One doesn't need to acknowledge anything on inadequate confirmation to make such a perception.
9) Atheists ignore the fact that religion is extremely beneficial to society.
The individuals who underline the great impacts of religion never appear to understand that such impacts neglect to exhibit reality of any religious regulation. This is the reason we have terms, for example, "impractical considering" and "duplicity toward oneself." There is a significant qualification between a reassuring fancy and reality.

10) Atheism gives no premise to morality..
On the off chance that an individual doesn't as of now comprehend that pitilessness isn't right, he won't uncover this by perusing the Bible or the Koran — as these books are blasting with festivals of brutality, both human and celestial. We don't get our profound quality from religion. We choose what is great in our great books by response to good instincts that are (at some level) hard-wired in us and that have been refined by many years of deduction about the reasons and potential outcomes of human bliss.
We have made significant good advancement throughout the years, and we didn't make this advancement by perusing the Bible or the Koran all the more nearly. Both books support the act of subjection — but then every edified individual now perceives that subjugation is a plague. Whatever is great in scripture — like the brilliant standard — could be esteemed for its moral intelligence without our accepting that it was passed on to us by universe creator.